Saturday, May 5, 2018

“Undone”, 16x20”, colored pencils.

This work is a depiction of an approaching storm and a barren tree. From the start, however, I had in mind spiritual meaning. In Isaiah chapter 6, verses 1-5, we read of the prophet seeing God in His awesome holiness. His reaction, as he realized his true self before such power and righteousness, was “Woe is me, I am undone”.

The clouds and tree here reflect this realization. The dark, stormy clouds call to mind God’s holiness. The frail and lifeless tree, in the face of this, is a stark contrast similar to our own in our fallen humanity before God.

I am too am undone, until I come to the Savior God provided. The unapproachable Almighty is near in the grace of Jesus Christ.

© Jeffrey M Green. “Undone”, 16x20”, colored pencils.