I have been blessed to have had a number of opportunities for my art to be in print or articles online. Below you will find a compilation of these.
July, 2015. Lehigh Valley Style Magazine, featured an article by Steve Piccione. The print version included three art pieces, while the online version 15. Link to article online: http://www.lehighvalleystyle.com/July-2015/Jeffrey-Green/.
February, 2015: The colored pencil piece "Halved" was featured in the February, 2015 issue, in the Showcase section (page 17) of Ann Kullberg's Colored Pencil Magazine. Link: CP Magazine.
"There’s no other publication like this on earth for colored pencil artists. Over 80 artists from 13 countries share their stunning colored pencil art, what makes them tick as artists; and then, going a step beyond, they reveal their secrets, tips and techniques", Ann Kullberg.
October 3rd: Featured Artist on the Artistic Blog with nine works, Artist Statement, and links. Link: Featured Artist: Jeffrey M Green.
September 19, 2013: Artist profile article, WFMZ channel 69 website - "Arts Around town", by reporter Susan Kalan. Link: Arts Around Town: Colored pencils are defining art for ACE artist Jeffrey M. Green.
August 11, 2013: Featured photo in the Go Guide, The Morning Call in connection with the August solo show and Reception, Sunday the 11th at the Nazareth center for the Arts .
August 7, 2013: The Solo show at the Nazareth Center for the Arts (show, August 3rd through 29th) was highlighted in an article in the The Press, Bangor, PA with full color images.
July, 2013: The work “Peppers, Onions, Garlic” was featured on the cover of CP Magazine, Ann Kolberg's Magazine for Colored Pencil Artists. Featured inside - a three page article, including five colored pencil works. The article was in the Artist Profile section, and was written by me. I often write in connection with my art. Link: CP Magazine, July 2913.
June, 2013: The colored pencil piece "Peppers, Onion, Garlic" was featured in the June, 2013 issue, in the Gallery section, of COLORED PENCIL Magazine. Link: COLORED PENCIL Magazine, June 2013.
October, 2012: The colored pencil work "Respect for Others" was featured in COLORED PENCIL Magazine in the October, 2012 issue in a full page feature with text written by me about this work. Link: COLORED PENCIL Magazine October 2012.
• Winter, 2012: Featured in an interview in the American Rose Society’s Kidz N’ Roses newsletter, with photos of work and drawing lesson for children.

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