Saturday, March 28, 2020

Lessons from a Virus

COVID-19. Coronavirus is a new virus that has impacted the public psyche. What is cause for concern and measures of containment, has in many ways become media-driven fear. I am choosing my words carefully here. Concern is certainly valid. It must be addressed and taken seriously for the public good. Panic is another thing altogether, however, its fervency seeming disproportionate to the cause. We seem to have forgotten  we are mortal and life is full of dangerous things. That is the problem, though. We thought we could contain life within the parameters of human ability.  

One of the things the West has learned is that our presumption has failed. We presumed we could control life with money, institutions, and exalted human capacity. Our worldview being based on thinking we know everything, we believe our finger is on the pulse of all things and our hands are moving the levers controlling it. A virus reminds us we are not in control of everything. With such a crumbling foundation proven unsound, the reaction is panic. 

It is God’s world, in which He rules as sovereign. We need Him. We are needy by design, but sadly self-worshiping by nature. Thankfully, God offers His grace in His Son, if we seek His face. Such foundation stands. 

As we address this situation with the appropriate care and compassion called for, we may be grateful for the gift of life. It has value because God created us. We cannot keep every challenge perfectly at bay within the structure of human will, but we can seek the Almighty in our need. 

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” (Jesus, Matthew 7:24-27)

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